• poocham hill winery (map)
  • 226 Poocham Road
  • Westmoreland
  • United States

Celebrate Global Beatles Day at the Poocham Hill Winery in Westmoreland NH

On June 25 from 11am to 5pm help us celebrate Global Beatles Day at the winery tasting room and wine garden. If you can sing 3-4 lines from a Beatles song you will get a complimentary tasting. You have to get the lyrics correct, but okay if you sing off key.

Global Beatles Day (also known as World Beatles Day) is an annual holiday occurring June 25th each year that honours and celebrates the ideals of the Beatles. The date, June 25th, was chosen to commemorate the date that the Beatles participated in the BBC programme Our World in 1967, performing "All You Need Is Love" broadcast to an international audience. The holiday was created and first celebrated in 2009 by Beatles fan Faith Cohen, who calls it "a thank you or love letter to The Beatles."

The event is celebrated with music and a variety of events celebrating peace and harmony. #GlobalBeatlesDay.